Following a few weeks of indulgence and Christmas cheers, New Year Day seemed like the perfect opportunity to set ourselves a challenge: "Why don't we climb the ridge at the side of the house?" said Ian, obviously still toxic and not thinking straight. "That seems a good idea", replied Luis. Four hours steep (and I mean perilously steep) climb and we still never reached the bit we wanted to.......apparently there is an easier and more accessible route (that no-one told us about). Ah well we made it to the top albeit not the bit we first thought. The views were spectacular. Other news from La Pasera include: Luis has learnt how to make willow baskets, he ran the New Year Gijon Road Race and came within the first 100 (out of 3500), we are setting up an arts group with a few other interested friends (watch this space), Wentworth and Gawber have been booked in for the chop....ooouch!, and the weather has been turbulent and wet of late.......by the way if you click on the first picture you can see our house....in the middle of the pic ......see if you can spot it?