Monday, July 21, 2014

The Asturian Prince - Wentworth

The Internet attracts a lot of criticism for all sorts of reasons but it can also be a wonderful resource and mechanism to connect with people you would not normally come across by other routes.

We have developed friendships with many people over the years via the Internet both through our blog and through various social networks. It never ceases to surprise us both how generous these virtual friends can be.

One such friend offered to make us a portrait, in mosaic, of Wentworth, our beautiful black cat: named after an area of South Yorkshire where we used to live. Jeannot Leenen is a mosaic artist from Belgium Luis initially met through one of the Internet based mosaic groups they both belong to. We have always admired her beautiful work and over the years Luis has became very good 'pen-pal' friends with her via the Internet. Her kindness and generosity both as an artist and a person are boundless and later on this year Luis plans to meet up in person when they both visit the internationally renowned mosaic exhibition that will take place in Chartres, France.

Words cannot express how magnificent this portrait is. She has captured his character, his posture and his ever-changing black glossy coat as it reflects and absorbs the changing light - absolutely stunning.

Jeannot knows how pleased we are with this gift and it will be a lovely moment when Luis can meet with her in person and share their passion for the art of mosaic.


  1. Anonymous9:23 am

    lovely mosaic :)

  2. Beautiful! - both the mosaic and the feline.

  3. I agree on both counts :-)


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