The vegetable garden is
producing well after a disappointing start. The tomatoes, aubergines,
peppers, cucumbers, beans, squash and marrow plants are weighed down
with fruit and the winter crops of cabbage, swede, fennel, celeriac,
celery and cauliflowers are well ahead of schedule with ample summer
rain and warm weather helping them on their way.
Luis has been busy
repairing cane and rush seating with a steady flow of work throughout
the summer. In addition he has just been given a huge piece of work
that involves blind re-caning an antique bergere three piece suite
from the 1920s. This is likely to take him the best past of 4 months
as each piece of cane has to be individually cut to size, woven and
secured. The next chair recaning course takes place in October and
there are still places available. If anyone is interested get in
touch. He has also completed several new mosaics in readiness for his
exhibition that will now take place in October, and another mosaic
has been commissioned that he is currently designing.
I have been busy with
my photography and writing with several projects on the go and
several more in the pipeline. Earlier in the month I was surprised to
be highly commended in a short story competition run by the Bat
Conservation Trust, The stranger on the bridge is one of eight winning pieces now published in a
pdf booklet: Bat Tales
Together with our
friends John and Be, we managed to capture some great night time
images in and around La Pasera including a stoat, fox, beech marten
and rato topo (being captured by the marten) and a couple of
neighbouring cats.
Wentworth and Gawber
and sleeping most days and active most nights due to the heat.
Wentworth manages to catch and eat several land voles each night
leaving just the head and entrails on the doormat for us to see each
morning. Gawber catches as many but rarely eats them, just the odd
nibble to the hind leg or flank. Young lizards continue to entertain
them both and can be often seen tailless warming themselves on rocks
and pavements.
All in all it has been
a productive summer with some great walks, many ongoing projects and
numerous fiestas and events. We are looking forward to autumn which
is often much nicer than summer with warm sunny days and beautiful
diffused light. I am currently in the UK and hoping to photograph a
whale, dolphin or porpoise from the deck of the ferry.
as here, visitors are needed, but..! It has been a relief to see the garden catching up with itself.