
Developing my skills as a crafts person has been one of the joys of living at La Pasera. I have always enjoyed making things and love to try learning new skills and crafts especially using natural products such as wood, natural fibres and stone.
My main crafts at the moment are Mosaics and Chair Seating restoration using natural fibres. I have a blog (in Spanish) dedicated to these two crafts that has proved to be very popular - currently receiving 2000 hits per week. There are links to online photograph albums of my work that you can look at even if you were unable to read Spanish.

My Blog:    Chairs seating -
                      Mosaics -

I used to make fretwork furniture and pictures, a hobby developed from my school days. Since moving to Asturias I was taught to make willow and hazel baskets by a local Artesan who sells his wares to tourists in the few weeks of summer trade. The following pictures detail more examples of my crafts.